Expert Advisor (EA) - Fully automated Forex Robot for MetaTrader 4
Grid algorithm. Uses many pending orders
Any - Robot is price levels based
Minimum to start: $100 with 0.01 Lot - 1 pair. Recommended: $10000 0.1 Lot for multipair
Symbols To Trade
Any Forex pair, Metals (Gold, Silver), Stocks, Commodities, Cryptos, etc.. Recommended high volatile symbols like GBP/JPY, Gold or similar
Full safety options, best for multi-pair, advanced User Interface and control panel. Ready to trade on default settings. Reverse option available. Fully adjustable distances and spaces between the trades. myfxbook verified!
Best forex robot of the year
Grid EA - PRO
For MetaTrader 4
Our Best Selling EA
Best For Multi-Pair Trading
Designed for All Type of accounts
Tired Of Losses?
This is our safest solution !
grid ea. Fully automated trading system which allows you to trade any symbol more clearly and easily then ever before. It is perfect for beginners willing to grow their accounts, as well as for professionals who wants to trade multiple pairs with bigger accounts to gain solid and stable profits.
Trade on multiple pairs
Increase Your Account Safety And Profits Even More
As for the testing we have chosen 9 symbols. Since this EA accepts multiple trading, we could get some profit faster and safer by using risk diversification. We left this final EA release to work on its own for around 4 months. It gained more than 100% of profit per month. This Grid EA does not use any kind of martingale strategy! You can see EAs past performance on live account statement (check Performance tab below). Software was running every day for 4 months (still running now) with successful profits of +21000$ so far (we are updating this information, please follow our social networks to get latest information and updates).
How it works?
✅ New source code which draws special channels and puts pending orders automatically
✅ New user interface which lets you control EA more easily
✅ Complex and fully automated Hedging system was built into the source code, which makes this EA very safe in all market conditions
✅ Special memory file system. EA creates special log files from which it executes a backup, if platform has crashed or connection was lost
✅ Full customization of settings to make EA trade anyway you like
✅ Smart Lot size and risk management system gives you full control of how much you want to risk with the robot
✅ Possible to trade in multiple pairs at the same time which minimizes the risk and can produce even more profit
How it works?
As we all know Hedging strategies requires huge precision and accuracy. This is why EA does it better than human. This Grid EA uses pending orders. As soon as you start this Grid trading system, it will immediately begin placing pending orders across your chart in both directions, so the price will never have a change to escape.
You don’t have to worry which side price will move, because you will already have your trades set and ready – waiting for the price action to hit them.
Main confusing thing about this unique strategy, is that we trade in opposite way. Why? Because it is the only way to gain profit from always chaotic and unpredictable Forex market. It may sound a bit confusing for the first time, but try to read this information carefully and the knowledge about this system should come to you pretty quick.
So how it really works? At first, Grid trading system will put you in the middle of chart/price – creates a channel. It does not care which side market is moving, because it will move sooner or later in upside or downside anyway. Since we don’t know where it will go, we put, lets say 15 Sell pending orders to the top side from our current price and 15 Buy orders to the bottom side.
Now you have a Grid on your chart, full of orders and waiting to be executed. You may set, let’s say 40 pips space in between those trades (possible change those parameters in anyway you like inside EA settings window). So the trades will be separated with 40 pips size gaps. Now, you must be asking, how can we gain any profit if we have opposite trades all over the chart? The answer is simple: retracements!
Remember market never moves infinitely to one or other side, it will always – sooner or later will go to correction. When it happens market will turn back and all of your opposite positions will turn into profit.
EA will calculate all of the loss and winning ratio by it self, and when total profit+loss will be the amount you put in the Target field(let’s say $100) EA will close all the trades with profit.
🔒 Grid EA Safety
For safety reasons, in case of news or important levels, the first two trades in the starting channel will be to normal side. You will have one Buy if the market goes up and one Sell if market goes down. This way when you will be collecting opposite trades and wait for the retracement, but you always have at least one trade to the trend side. This configuration will balance up your floating loss.
Remember – when trading Hedge, EA will always have floating loss, but any bigger movement (which is guaranteed to happen) will bring you to profit sooner or later. There is one more safety feature in this EA, recently discovered by one of our developers. It will add an extra space between each trades, for example: if you put 40 pips to the parameter called “spaceBetweenTrades”, and 10 pips to next field called “extraSpacer”, EA will add extra 10 pips space between for each pending order. Like: first space will be 40 pips, second 50 pips, third 60 pips and so on…
What’s the point? It works like a filter protecting you from any extra unnecessary trades which may occur during the news, some unexpected spikes, etc… This will also save your equity and will use less margin since less trades will be executed.
All of those things will begin to be more clear when you start trading and watching chart on your own. To visualise it better, we recommend to run it on strategy tester with Visual Mode turned on.
In users manual guide you will find all the information and explanation for each parameter that this EA have. Each field is explained, what it does and how it would affect your trading.
Click to Download and read the user manual guide for the Grid EA.
UPDATES list for Grid EA PRO
✅ Version v3.1 2019-02-07 update
With version v3.1 we have improved this Grid EA and added parameter called entryMode. For those who are uncomfortable using EA against the trend, now you will be able to reverse the EA trading process in anyway you like. For example, if you use entryMode=1 EA will trade against the market by putting Buy orders in bottom and Sell orders in top side. If you use entryMode=2 EA will trade with the trend, buy putting Buy orders in top side and Sell orders in bottom side.
This might be very useful option to have. Why? The answer is that different pairs act differently. Some are more chaotic, some are more stable and reacts much better to the trend. For example EUR/USD pair has lowest spread, but it is very unstable, unpredictable and chaotic, market likes to check its support and resistance levels and sometimes more then once, this is why for such pair would be wise to use entryMode=1.
If we take a look at pair let say GBP/JPY, it looks that it moves more smoothly, also it has much bigger moving volume then other pairs. Also this pair usually has bigger spread, so it means that trades are more expensive, but let’s say thats the penalty of this pair predictability. To wrap it up, this function is very usefully for any user trading style. It lets the user to choose trading style according to trading symbol.
In version 3.1 we have also added CalculateSwap function, sometime you will have long time orders for few days, it is good idea to calculate all the swap you had during that time. So this might be very useful tool to achieve even bigger and faster profits.
✅ Version v3.2 2020-09-15 update
This version includes LotAdd parameter. You can use this if you want to get your profits faster by increasing Lot size with each pending order. For example: this means that if you put 0.01 in LotAdd field your first trade above or below your channel will be 0.01, second 0.02, third 0.03 and so on… This way you will get more trading power when the market is not moving very much. Warning! This might be harmful for smaller balance accounts, please calculate the values according to your account size and use it on your own risk. In order to switch this function off, simply put 0 in this field, EA will use fixed lot size for all orders.
✅ Version v3.3 2021-01-19 update
Added reverseCenter option. This way it is possible to choose reverse or not the first two trades in the center channel.
✅ Version v4.0 2021-06-19 update
This is a very big update for this EA. It comes with completely new user interface which allows users to control trading process even more easily with just single button clicks. You can close, open and manage your trades directly from the chart now. Also there is a new window with special trend calculations for each time-frame so it is easier to make decision on settings or get common sense about the pair trend. From now on it is possible to rent the EA for various period of time (pay as much as you use it). You can add or remove accounts to your license. Installation process is very easy as well, setup file will be provided. Many safety bugs has been also fixed, so EA is even more safer now.
✅ Version v5.0 2021-07-05 update
Updated users interface. Added more simplicity in settings and usage. Fixed minor core bugs, increased safety. Made better for beginners.
✅ Version v5.1 2022-05-04 update
Fixed minor UI bugs, made even more easy to use for beginners. Updated .set files for 3acc and 9acc users. Fixed some core issues, so robot will run even more smoothly now.
✅ Version v5.2 2022-06-03 update
Added new function customCenterLots. It will let the user to manually choose first Buy and first Sell trades lot sizes. By increasing this number(bigger than initial lot size) we enable extra safety for account equity during those long trendy moves. Please read users manual for more info.
✅ Version v5.3 2022-08-28 update
Fixed minor graphics bugs. Added Theme selection: Light or Dark mode. Fixed orders closing sequence. From now on after successful Target reach first opened trades will be closed first and only after that pending orders will be deleted. This way valuable time is saved, because on real account servers closing takes pretty long time. This way you have a lot more protection of price action on spikes, news etc..
✅ Version v5.4 2023-02-14 update
Added updated .set files pack for any version of Grid EA robot.
Note: for all users who already own older versions, new versions is free! You can get the updated files by logging in to your account and re-downloading them from your dashboard. You must uninstall old version and freshly install new one.
- Go to: Login to My Account
- Click Downloads
- Re-download and re-install your product
We were working hard to develop and test this EA. Since we had a lot of success with our last projects, which was mainly focused on hedging and breakouts, we have accumulated a lot of experience in special calculations and formulas on those type of strategies. This experience made this product even more safe, stable and profitable than ever before.
EA was tested in various market conditions to prove its stability. We have pushed this product to the limit, created some hard situations like unexpected server disconnections, platform shut downs, tested it on news as well as different time frames and our Grid EA held just fine with all that.
Latest version of our Grid EA has been updated and was made easy for beginners with simplified settings and usage. Grid EA PRO is mainly focused on mathematical calculations and probabilities, so it does not care too much about the market trends, news and all other difficulties which often confuses new traders. This EA can start trading any time frame and any pair you wish. The only thing it needs, is just moving price and some time, rest the market and EA engine will do. Just leave it on, sit back and let the software do its job. You can see more results stats in the Performance tab above.
See Installation & Usage Video
Ready to get started?
Start trading at the professional level. Get your own copy of Grid EA PRO. Robot is already adjusted in optimal settings, so you will be able to use it on default settings or use our preset files for each pair. Each parameter is explained in users manual guide (if manual adjustment is needed). The package contains easy setup file which will automatically install and set up all needed components for your MetaTrader4 platform. You will be able to use your Robot within a minutes after your purchase.
€ 40
- ✅ 1 Account Lifetime license. Pay once - have it for life.
- ✅ Free future updates
- ❌ No .set files
- ✅ 9 Accounts Lifetime license.
- ✅ Pay once - have it for life.
- ✅ Ready to trade with default settings
- ✅ Free future updates
- ✅ Reduced price - Best deal!
- This EA & Version is recommended by our developers
- Free .set files for 8 pairs AUD/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, NZD/USD, USD/JPY, GOLD
€ 55
- ✅ 3 Accounts Lifetime license. Pay once - have it for life.
- ✅ Free future updates
- Free .set files for 3 pairs EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, GOLD
Extra .SET Files pack
€ 25
- 🔥 We highly recommend to buy it with any version! We preset the settings for each symbol, so you won't have to deal with the settings yourself.
- Includes 22 set files for Forex, Indexes, Metals & Cryptos (hover the mouse to see the list). USD/CHF, EUR/GBP, AUD/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, NZD/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CAD, GOLD, SILVER, ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, LITECOIN, XRP, #SP500, #NASDAQ100, #GER40, #US30, #UK100, #JPN225
- Only set files for all versions.
✅ Instant Download right after payment is completed!
Verified Customers Reviews
Really nice setfiles.
4 weeks ago
Grid EA set files pack PRO
Good Robot.
4 weeks ago
Grid EA 1 Account
Excellent service
6 months ago
Grid EA set files pack PRO
Excellent service
6 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
First I bought the Renko Scalper, what I wouldn’t …
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recommend. But after getting supported from support I bought the GRIF EA and this is really great. Low drawdown, stable, intelligent with the Limit orders, very customizable (but the set file work). I am really happy with the GRID EA so far.. (just 2 weeks, but you see that the Strat of the EA works)!
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6 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
7 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
It is very useful.
9 months ago
Grid EA set files pack PRO
It is very easy, powerful and safety.
9 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
9 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
Great Ea. Great experience
10 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
11 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
11 months ago
Grid EA set files pack PRO
Best robot for Forex trading
12 months ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
I am very much satisfied with Advanced GRID EA per…
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formance, Installation is straight forward, documentation is very clear and I am testing it on demo account and it is working perfectly. Support is amazing from the team. Anyone looking for EA to run on personal account should purchase it really recomended.
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1 year ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
Your assistance is very good, congratulations
1 year ago
Grid EA 9 Accounts
Good pack
1 year ago
Grid EA set files pack PRO
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